Quick Facts

Length: 48 cm
Height: -
Weight: 374 grams
Colour: Black with white tips to the flight feathers and tail
Habitat: Range of habitats in Tasmania. Mountain, lowland forests, coastal heath, grazing land and suburban a
Food: Omnivorous. Young birds, carrion, insects and berries
Predators: -
Status: Secure in Tasmania. Not Present in all other states and territories of Australia

The Black Currawong is a medium-sized bird, with a heavy, black bill, black body and white tips to the flight-feathers and tail. It has a bright yellow eye. Immature birds are similar but duller in appearance.

In Tasmania, the 'Black-winged' subspecies of the Grey Currawong, S. versicolor, is similar, but can be distinguished from the Black Currawong, by having white in its wings, a different call and a less massive beak. The Forest Raven, Corvus tasmanicus, lacks the white tail markings of the Black Currawong.

The Black Currawong is confined to Tasmania and its surrounding islands.

The Black Currawong occurs in a range of habitats in Tasmania, including mountain and lowland forests, coastal heath, grazing lands and suburban areas.

The Black Currawong moves down from mountain areas to the milder lowlands in winter.

The Black Currawong is omnivorous, feeding on young birds, carrion, insects and berries. It forages in the trees or on the ground.

The Black Currawong builds a large, deep nest of sticks lined with roots and grass. Nests are usually found in the forks of trees 3 to 20 m high. The nestlings are fed by both parents.

The Black Currawong was adversely affected by land clearing for farmland on King Island. It is sometimes considered a pest in orchards.

The Black Currawong was widely eaten in the early days of European settlement in Tasmania and said to be quite tasty.

Author: Rosalyn Plunkett
Last Updated: Thursday 9th January, 2014


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